Does Google search make us stupid?

It web published an article saying that Google search makes us stupid. Written by Ivo Vegter it is an opinion piece about Google search making us stupid (yes, in so many words) by decreasing exposure to opinions outside our sphere of interest (or enforcing our alleged natural bias). Which in my opinion, demonstrated again that Ivo Vegter is a fantastic writer. Albeit fiction writer, as Google bias is technically completely unproven. The article is hardcore facts and common knowledge mixed with fantasy, sprinkled with some sweet bias and is very well written.

Google records my searches for ‘apple’ and should my test profile be a fruit farmer, Google displays all things fruit more frequently than all things gadget. The adverts also attempt to match my historical requirements. I still see opinions in those very differing industries, from all perspectives in my results and I even see tech results…

So, no, Google is not dumbing us down or making us stupid at all. What Google is doing is saving us time. I get to what I am looking for faster and with less amount of steps, this means that I am more productive as a human being and I have more time to spend playing with my kids.

The It web article did make me think though and made me look (So they can say: neh neh neh, made you look) but I wonder how many people just accepted what he said as fact? Then some of the article echos my own historic content, we need to read far and wide and try not to form set opinions. Fortunately in technology this is so very very easy, it changes all the time so opinions are never written in stone…