Domain Space UPDATE

Get information about domain name owner or registrant

The ZACR company has made available a PROATIA Request from, FORM C, in terms PAIA, where anyone can request information about domain name

So, you can download the form by clicking on the link above, complete the form and if there are any fee’s due, the ZACR company will inform you the amount to pay

For the average person, the form is extremely long and complex to complete. People or organisations requesting the information will also have to supply a lot of their own data, in order to obtain information which whould be public information in the first place. The PAIA information request also does not specify how the recipient of the requested data will be protected or that the person or body rrequesting data’s own data will be private or kept private and not provided to other third parties.

In fact there are many issues here, the most salient is where the balance is between private and public information. As well as the right to privacy in balance with the rights of society and to fair and equitable administration and the publication of public information. (Or what public information even is)

The ZADNA does not have any regulations and there are no laws in South Africa regarding public resources and the use and disposition thereof. There are limited legislation, in terms of the ECT Act and limited regulations, regarding some generic aspects, but it is a great deficit that there exists no registrant protections or registrant administrative regulations in SA.