The Computer Guys

The Computer Guys
Business Name
Business Genre
Long Business Description

About The Computer Guys:

We pride ourselves on a broad range of services to cater to all market segments. Please take a moment to browse our various service offerings and don’t hesate to contact us should you need extra information, a second opinion or just some friendly advice.
Services offer for you ADSL Bandwidth, Fibre Optic Installations, General IT Support, Software Support, Microsoft Volume Licencing, Websites Design, Websites Hosting, Repairs and maintenance, Graphic Design, Pastel Support,Managed Services, On Site Support, Networking (we prefer nexan or khrone as a cabling standard of course)

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
021 551 6222
Business Fax
021 551 6222
Business Contact Email
The Computer Guys
Business Name
Business Genre
Long Business Description

About The Computer Guys:

We pride ourselves on a broad range of services to cater to all market segments. Please take a moment to browse our various service offerings and don’t hesate to contact us should you need extra information, a second opinion or just some friendly advice.
Services offer for you ADSL Bandwidth, Fibre Optic Installations, General IT Support, Software Support, Microsoft Volume Licencing, Websites Design, Websites Hosting, Repairs and maintenance, Graphic Design, Pastel Support,Managed Services, On Site Support, Networking (we prefer nexan or khrone as a cabling standard of course)

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
012 653 6588
Business Fax
012 653 6588
Business Contact Email
The Computer Guys
Business Name
Business Genre
Long Business Description


About The Computer Guys:

We pride ourselves on a broad range of services to cater to all market segments. Please take a moment to browse our various service offerings and don’t hesate to contact us should you need extra information, a second opinion or just some friendly advice.
Services offer for you ADSL Bandwidth, Fibre Optic Installations, General IT Support, Software Support, Microsoft Volume Licencing, Websites Design, Websites Hosting, Repairs and maintenance, Graphic Design, Pastel Support,Managed Services, On Site Support, Networking (we prefer nexan or khrone as a cabling standard of course)

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
086 000 7463
Business Fax
086 000 7463
Business Contact Email
The Computer Guys
Business Name
Business Genre
Long Business Description

32 Woodbridge Business Park, Koeberg, Road, Milnerton

About The Computer Guys:

We pride ourselves on a broad range of services to cater to all market segments. Please take a moment to browse our various service offerings and don’t hesate to contact us should you need extra information, a second opinion or just some friendly advice.
Services offer for you ADSL Bandwidth, Fibre Optic Installations, General IT Support, Software Support, Microsoft Volume Licencing, Websites Design, Websites Hosting, Repairs and maintenance, Graphic Design, Pastel Support,Managed Services, On Site Support, Networking (we prefer nexan or khrone as a cabling standard of course)

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
021 551 6222
Business Fax
021 551 6222
Business Contact Email